Monday, December 1, 2008
I love the winter season,its definitely my favorite season, other than summer. The main reasons I love winter is because I love the snow,I think its one of the best things ever, I love playing in the snow and it brings back a lot of memories from when I was younger, my dad, my brother and I used to build forts in the backyard and have huge snowball fights, and would make like a slope off of our deck to slide down with our sleds. Also because winter means Christmas, and I love Christmas, because I get to see sides of the family that I don't see as often as the other side, and decorating the tree and putting up decorations is always fun, and most of all it means a 24 hour marathon of A Christmas Story which is my favorite Christmas movie, and all of the family watches it together and its the best.
Monday, November 17, 2008
The newscast was a lot of fun to make but it was kinda confusing and frustrating at times. I did my newscast with Allison. We came after school one day and started recording but we messed up a lot because we were laughing and I ended up having to record mine another day. The newscast was a fun experience because I have never done anything like that before. I don't think mine turned out that well, because when i recorded mine i was really tired so I'm talking really low and i look bored so I'm not to sure about the entire class seeing it,but i think the rest of it will be fine.
The thing I am most thankful for are my family,friends, and school. I am thankful for my family because obviously without them I wouldn't be here,also because they help guide me in my life and to make the right decisions. I am thankful for my friends because they always know how to make me feel better and they're always there for me, and half the time i don't know what i would do without them.I am thankful for school, even though i don't always like going, because i need a good education to get a good job in life, and they're are a lot of people in the world who would do anything to got to school like I do.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Report Card
I'm not to concerned about my report card actually because I have turned in all my homework and all of my late assignments,so I know I have been doing OK.Also I knew what my grades were going to be before the report card went out because I had been checking it lately, and I knew I didn't have anything lower than a C ,even though I know I can do better it was good enough for me.Since my parents didn't go to report card night because of my brother's football banquet I'm not worried about that either, but I don't think i had any reason to be in the first place since no teachers had complained about my behavior or anything.
Lesson in Life
One of the most important lessons I have learned would be an experience I had when I was little, when my dad got into a car accident on his way home from work late one night.He was driving and a drunk driver ran through a red light and hit his trunk and flipped it over a few times.Even though I was younger I still knew that it wasn't good and from that experience I have learned how bad it can be if you drink and drive and from that I know that I will never drink and drive.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
10 things
1.Become a Detective
2.Go somewhere out of the country
3.Get the best education possible for myself.
4.Meet a famous person
5.Build my own house
6.Make a change in the world
7.Take care of my family
8.become closer to God
9.Go to a NYG football game
10.Go to Silver Dollar City in Branson
2.Go somewhere out of the country
3.Get the best education possible for myself.
4.Meet a famous person
5.Build my own house
6.Make a change in the world
7.Take care of my family
8.become closer to God
9.Go to a NYG football game
10.Go to Silver Dollar City in Branson
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This is the Logo I choose. To be honest I didn't know we really had a logo to begin with but I'm sure I have seen it but just don't know,I also didn't know we were choosing another one. I choose this logo because I like the way it looks, with the date like old fashioned kinda, and I like the buildings in the back round, it makes it look cool.I think this is a cool idea to let us vote for this since we can't really decide much else in our world.
Halloween Costume
My favorite Halloween costume was be between an blow- up ostrich 2 years ago I bought that at a Hallowen Boutique, it was really funny.It was one of those costumes with the fake legs around it so it looked like someone was kinda sitting on top of it, and I had a little hat too, it was great.Im not sure if it helped me get more candy or not, I didn't really pay attention.Or my favorite would be when I dressed up as an old bald guy when i was like 6. I wore one of my borthers little tuxes with a bald mask thing on my head and my dad did my make-up so I looked weird and I had a cane to.I'm not sure If im dressing up this year, I would like to becuase I love Halloween, it's definatley my favorite holiday.My most successful year was probably the year I dressed up as Scooby Doo, my brother dressed up as a skeletion I think, and it was succesful because my dad dressed up, he was a wolf and he trick or treated as well so that made it alot more fun.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
This week we started an iphoto project. We have to spell our names on a slideshow, using pictures or objects that resemble the letters, and other pictures of things we like to do or of oursleves with family or friends.. Then we choose a song to play in the backround to somewhat desccribe ourselves.I got my name done pretty easily,but It took me a while to decide a song, that fit well but was also approiate but I think I finally found a good one, and it kinda fits the pictures I am going to put in also.I think it will be cool to see everyones when there all done.
A week or so ago, we started a new project of making a news letter.It was about Homecoming Week,and all of the days that we got to dress up, or sport T-shirts. I was in a group of four so we had a little more work to do, then others but it was fun to do. My partners were Megan,Jazlyn, and Maggie. My article was a little hard for me because I had a hard time getting started but once I did it was easy.I think it turned out ok, as well.
For my physical or athletic goal would be to work out more. I already work out twice a week for about an hour depending on homework,but I would like to do it more than that.I don't play any sports because I wanna focus on my work.To keep my goal up of working out more would have to be doing my homework on time and being able to make the time for me to work out. I work out with my mom usually,so I have a work out buddy.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Progress in Class
So far in class, we have done a lot of things, from slide shows, to storyboards, and all sorts of projects.Right now we are working on a newsletter, for our spirit week, which I'm excited and nervous about. I am in a group of 4 which means we have to do a little bit more work but that's ok.I have slipped a bit on some of my other work in class from being sick but I'm working on getting back on track, I have made up all of my old blogs, and working on other things. The newsletter is fun but it's a bit harder than I thought so I hope my group turn out ok.I have never made a newsletter before that I can remember so I'm excited to see how they all turn out.
Intellectual Goal
For an intellectual goal, I would like to work harder on my grades. Each year I seem to start off well but, then as the year goes on I start to slip up a bit and slack on my homework and projects. I would like to not procrastinate as much as I do, but everyone does it and sometimes it's it avoidable and others it's not.I think the only way for me to do that is to work ahead if I can or ask for help If i don't understand something. My goal would be to keep my grades up all year.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Emotional Goal
For an emotional goal,I think that being more attentive to people, and respecting them more is very important,especially friends and family.Since sometimes there the only people you have sometimes one more than the other,especially at our age level, when people drift and make new friends, I think it's important to respect all the friends you do have, by not spreading rumors or being there friend only when there around and not when there not around. And for family I think all kids want to do want they wanna do and don't like to listen to our parents even though they have our best interests in mind,so for my emotional goal, I want to learn how to listen more and how to treat my friends and family better.
Spiritual Goal
For my spiritual goal, I like most people would say, would like to become closer to God.I think some people including myself don't always take religion or God seriously all the time,and being catholic kinda slips our minds and we don't care,so I would like to start to try and care more about my relationship with God, and try harder at it,since it is very important to have a strong bond with God.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Saint Project
I just started my Saint Project, I have made many projects on Saints in the past but never in a slide show by myself,and not in a group so I hope when I finish it, it will be ok, but since I have used Power Point numerous amounts of times I think it will be easy. My Saint is Thomas Aquinas, I chose him because I think he's interesting,and we also just learned a little bit about him in our religion class so I already know a few things that can help me out.
Keynote Project
I just finished my keynote assignment,and I have to say, I enjoyed making it.I thought it was very cool,even though it took a while to make.I picked the song Dr. Mr. President by Pink, for my project because I think it gives good points on what is going on in the world today,and past events as well.I think the way she wrote the song was from many people's points of views on what has happened to the world in these past few years.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
What I have Learned
In Ms.Perino's class I have learned alot.We got new computers this year,so they are a little bit more difficult to use since there are more applications and tools to use,but they alot more fun then the old ones.So far In class we have made spreadsheets,wrote a paper on a banned book, I chose James and The Giant Peach, because I knew of the book and the movie, and I learned the reasons of it being banned from schools.I have also learned about alternative fuel sources and there are many more than I knew of.I really enjoy this class,the projects are fun,as well as the one we just learned about, the mini movie will be a fun project.
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